Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Types and Treatments for Tendonitis

Tendonitis, also called tendinitis, is the inflammation of tendons. Tendons are the flexible, tough band of tissues that connect your muscles to bones. They take some of the strain from your muscles, but too much activity can irritate or injure them, leading to pain and inflammation. Colorado springs tendonitis can affect any body part, including elbows, ankles, and knees. Repetitive motions, poor posture, unsupportive shoes, and excessive exercise are the common causes of tendonitis. If you engage in sports, you are more likely to have tendinitis.

Achilles tendonitis

The Achilles tendon is a thick tissue band that attaches your heel to your calf muscle. This tendon enables you to walk, run and jump and endures high-stress levels. You are most likely to have Achilles tendinitis if you engage in sports or have rheumatoid arthritis.

Supraspinatus tendinitis

Supraspinatus tendinitis is where the tendon at the top of your shoulder joint gets inflamed. Your arm may experience pain when moved. You may experience discomfort if you lie on the affected shoulder. If other tendons around the same are also damaged, you may have a condition known as rotator cuff syndrome.

Tennis or golfer’s elbow

Tennis or golfer’s elbow causes pain when you bend your wrist outwards. The pain might radiate down toward your wrist. Your pain worsens when you try to lift against a force.

De Quervain’s stenosing tenosynovitis

De Quervain’s stenosing tenosynovitis develops when the sheath surrounding the tendons between your thumb and wrist becomes inflamed. The tendon sheath becomes thick and swells, causing pain upon moving your thumb.

Trigger finger or thumb

A trigger finger happens when your finger clicks when straightened. The tendon sheath in your palm becomes thick and inflamed, fixing your finger in a bent position. Fixation restricts the tendon’s movement.

Tendinitis of the wrist

Tendinitis of the wrist happens when you repeatedly perform the same movements with your wrist. You have a high chance of developing wrist tendinitis if you type or write a lot or play tennis.

Treatments for tendonitis


Tendinitis is caused by overusing or straining your tendons. Resting the affected tendon helps to reduce inflammation. If your tendinitis results from a particular sport or activity, you should avoid it. A bandage, splint, or brace can help minimize the movement of the affected part.

Hot and cold therapy

An ice pack helps to reduce swelling in the injured area. Use it for fifteen minutes once or twice daily to ease pain and inflammation. Always wrap the ice pack in a towel to prevent direct contact. Warm compressors or hot towels can also help reduce pain and swelling. Use ice forty-eight hours after your injury. After that, you can use hot therapy.


Ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications can ease inflammation and tendon pain. Corticosteroid injections around the injured tendon can help relieve severe pain.


Exercise stretches and strengthens the affected tendon muscles. They quicken the healing process.

Tendonitis is the inflammation of tendons resulting from injury or overuse. It can affect any tendon in your body. Medications, rest, hot and cold therapy, and exercises are the common treatments for tendonitis. Schedule an appointment at the Foot and Ankle Institute of Colorado in Colorado for tendinitis treatment to relieve your pain.

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