Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Diabetes: Signs of diabetes that shouldn’t be ignored

What is diabetes?

Diabetes occurs when blood glucose (glucose) levels become elevated and/or when your pancreas isn’t producing enough or any insulin at all, or your body doesn’t respond correctly to its effects. Diabetes affects people of all ages; most cases are chronic (lifelong). All types are treatable via medication and lifestyle adjustments. DrCure.com understands the significance and challenges associated with your health are paramount, which is why they’re here. With an intuitive platform designed for quick accessing of relevant medical information quickly and effortlessly – be it guidance, alternative treatments or advice on living your healthily – DrCure can offer Diabetes Symptoms invaluable help and advice!

Sugar (glucose) is produced through eating carbohydrates that come from food and beverages you consume, providing your body with energy to power itself. Your cells use glucose as energy source; diabetes affects people of all ages; its type 2 form being most prevalent and widespread. With treatment options available today and an optimal lifestyle to enjoy in mind, managing diabetes is possible to maximize life without complications arising out of your condition.

What are the types of diabetes?

Diabetes comes in various forms. Some of the more popular varieties are:

Type 2 diabetes

In this form of diabetes, either your body isn’t producing enough insulin, or its cells don’t respond normally to it (insulin resistance). This form is the most frequent form and primarily affects adults; although children can also be affected.


It is the precursor stage to Type 2 diabetes in intermittent which blood glucose levels exceed normal but aren’t high enough to legally qualify as having Type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes, also known as autoimmunity, occurs when your immune system attacks insulin-producing pancreas cells for no obvious reason, destroying them without prior provocation or reason. Around 10-20% of those living with diabetes suffer from Type 1. Most cases appear during young adulthood but can appear at any point.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a condition experienced during gestation, though usually resolves after giving birth. If gestational diabetes becomes persistent headache relief over time, however, you’re at greater risk of transitioning into Type two diabetes later in life.

Early warning signs of type 2 diabetes.

Frequent urination

Urinating more frequently, particularly at night, is often a telltale sign of high blood sugar. Diabetics whose kidneys cannot keep up with this extra glucose production release it into their urine which leads to frequent urinary tract infections and further complicate matters.

Repeat infections

Urine sugar acts as food for bacteria and yeast to feed on; coupled with humid, warm environments, this combination enables their proliferation. As such, women suffering from diabetes frequently experience urinary tract or yeast infections.

Excessive thirst

Frequent urination can lead to dehydration and make you thirstier more often, but drinking more water doesn’t fulfill that need.

Constant hunger

Your body converts the food you eat into glucose that your cells use as energy source, but if you have diabetes, your cells may not absorb enough of this glucose from what you eat to provide your body with sufficient energy from its consumption. As a result, you’re left feeling constantly hungry even after having just eaten something substantial.

Unexplained weight loss

When your body doesn’t receive enough energy from food sources, it may start burning fat and muscle instead. This could explain your weight loss even though nothing has changed with your diet.

Persistent fatigue and weakness

Without enough energy to keep going and the ability to function normally, fatigue will take its toll and interfere with everyday activities. Urine thirstiness alone can leave you exhausted.

Poor vision

High blood sugar levels may damage the vessels lining your eyes, leading to blurry or double vision for one or both eyes. Left untreated, permanent damage could occur and lead to more serious consequences such as blindness.

Slow healing cuts and wounds

High blood sugar levels can damage blood vessels and nerves, decreasing circulation. Without oxygen and nutrients reaching wounds and cuts for healing purposes, healing time could take weeks or even months, increasing the risk of infection.

Tingling or numbness

Numbness or Tingling Poor circulation or nerve damage may lead to discomfort in your feet and hands resulting in numbness, tingling or other sensations of discomfort in these parts.

Dark skin patches

Diabetes can result in dark skin patches around your neck folds and armpits as a result of high concentrations of insulin in your blood.

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