Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Conditions Treated by Pediatric Plastic and Craniofacial Surgery

Pediatric and craniofacial surgeries focus on the reconstructive and aesthetic improvement of your child’s appearance to help restore function and improve quality of life. The surgeries address abnormalities resulting from congenital issues, illnesses, or traumatic events. About one in every five kids in the United States develops a special condition that needs Portland, OR pediatric plastic and craniofacial surgery. The medical professionals in this field can work with other specialists like neurosurgeons for effective treatment. There are many conditions treated by pediatric plastic and craniofacial surgery, including:

Cleft lip and palate

A cleft lip is where your child has a separation or gap within the upper lip. When the split involves the roof of the mouth, it is known as a cleft palate. These conditions can result from genetic factors and environmental, chemical, or drug exposures. Cleft lip and palate can affect your child’s eating and speech. Depending on the severity of your kid’s situation, your pediatric surgeon may include initial lip and nose repair, palate repair, and jaw surgery.


The skull is made up of flat bones. The bones have joints between them known as sutures that remain loose and open during growth and development, allowing your child’s brain to grow and expand. Craniosynostosis happens when these sutures grow together or fuse permanently, hindering skull stretching and expanding to accommodate the growing brain. Treatment involves your craniofacial surgeon expanding your child’s skull by removing and reshaping the bones of the skull to give the brain room to grow and correct the abnormal head.

Hemifacial microsomia

Hemifacial microsomia is the under-development of one side of your child’s face, resulting in an uneven face. The condition develops while the baby is still in the womb. It affects your kid’s skull, ear, upper and lower jaw, and soft tissues. Usually, lids with hemifacial microsomia have a small or absent ear and a small upper and lower jaw on the affected side of the face, causing a slanted smile. Your craniofacial surgeon customizes treatment depending on your child’s unique needs.

Craniofacial dysostosis syndromes

Craniofacial dysostosis syndromes are inherited congenital disorders affecting your child’s skull, face, and sometimes the limbs. The conditions are generally not painful, but the cornea may become dry and irritated if the orbits are shallow. If your kid’s fingers are tightly webbed, infections around the nails may occur, causing discomfort. Surgery for these conditions is based on your kid’s specific craniofacial syndrome.

Pierre Robin sequence

Pierre Robin sequence is a condition where your kid is born with a smaller jaw than usual. The lower jaw is positioned farther back and is smaller, causing the tongue to block the airway and esophagus. Your child may experience breathing and feeding difficulties. Pierre Robin’s sequence can result from genetic factors or the abnormal position of the baby in the uterus. Surgery for this condition aims at opening the obstructed airway and improving feeding.

Pediatric and craniofacial surgeries focus on the reconstructive and aesthetic improvement of your child’s appearance to help restore function and improve quality of life. They address various conditions, including cleft lip and palate, craniosynostosis, hemifacial microsomia, craniofacial dysostosis syndromes, and Pierre Robin Sequence. Schedule an appointment at PNW Plastic Surgery for pediatric and craniofacial surgeries to improve your child’s facial appearance.

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